What Can Chickens Eat? A Complete Guide!

Aug 14, 2023 | Animals & Insects

Chickens are surprisingly intelligent creatures, and they will eat just about anything you give them. So if you’re looking for a quick answer to the question “What can chickens eat?” then this article is perfect for you.

We’ll discuss common foods that chickens enjoy, as well as some foods that should be avoided. As long as your chicken has access to water and food at all times, they’ll be happy! And they’ll be even happier when you find out their favorite treat.

**Remember, you should always check with your veterinarian before adding to or changing your pet’s diet. Getting professional input is the most important component to giving your animal a long, happy, and healthy life.**

What Can Chickens Eat?

Many chicken keepers do not have to worry about dumping kitchen scrap or table scrap in the trash. Instead, they can feed all their leftover scraps to their flocks without too much worry.

First, however, you’ll want to make sure you’re feeding your chickens good food that is not toxic for them.

Remember, it’s a good idea to contact your local chicken feed expert before making any changes to your chicken’s diet. Then, use all your resources to determine the best treats for your chickens.

Below is a detailed guide on what chickens can eat and what the benefits of those foods are. Keep reading to learn what makes a chicken’s diet healthy.

What Are Chickens – Herbivores, Carnivores, or Omnivores?

Many people believe that chickens eat only plant-based foods or chicken feed. However, the truth is that chickens are omnivores, which means they can have both animal-based foods and plant-based foods. Their digestive system is designed to process both kinds of foods.

If you leave chickens in the wild, they will start eating plants and worms around them. Similarly, if you leave them in an area with animal-based food, they will begin eating that too.

In short, we can say chickens, as omnivores, can eat almost anything they find to survive.

What Do Chickens Eat Naturally?

Naturally, chickens eat several plant-based food items such as wheat, barley, nuts, seeds, fruits, leafy greens, and vegetables. They also eat foods of animal origin, such as fishmeal, worms, insects, fish, birds, mice, etc.

If you have free-range chickens, they will explore their surroundings freely and eat grass, worms, grains, or anything they find outdoors.

On the contrary, if you have backyard chickens confined, they will most probably eat poultry feed, kitchen scraps, or table scraps. Chickens are not picky eaters.

So, they will eat most of the things you give them without causing any trouble.

What Can Chickens Eat?

What Are the Nutritional Requirements of The Chickens?

Like any other living creature, chickens need essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, and vitamins. These nutrients perform several vital functions in the body and make sure the bird lives a healthy life.


Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy in chickens. They get them from wheat, barley, corn, and other cereal grains. However, carbohydrates usually take more time to be digested in the chickens. That is why it is better to add enzymes to boost the absorption of carbs and the production of energy.


Proteins and amino acids are also essential nutrients. They perform several roles, for example, building muscles, feathers, bones, and soft tissues.

The deficiency of proteins can reduce the number of eggs and the quantity of meat. Therefore, it is crucial that you incorporate a great source of protein into your chicken’s diet.

Some common sources of protein for the chickens are fishmeal, cooked eggs, insects, worms, lentils, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds.


In chickens, fats generate energy and protect the internal organs. Fats are made up of small molecules called fatty acids.

The most important fatty acid for chickens is linoleic acid, and it should make 50% of the total fatty acids provided to the chicken.

Chickens can digest animal as well as plant fats. Vegetable oils and grease are added to the chicken’s diet to provide the correct dose of fats.

Commercial Chicken Feed

Commercial feed (chicken feed) is designed to meet the dietary needs of chickens. All the essential ingredients mixed in the right proportions give the chickens precisely what they need.

Growing chickens have more nutritional requirements. And laying hens require more calcium that is used for egg production. Chicken feed is prepared according to the age and purpose of a chicken’s life (meat or egg producer).

Chickens benefit from a proper nutritional value in their food and some additional supplements. Some chicken keepers even feed their chickens ground oyster shells to provide extra calcium for stronger eggshells.

Can Chickens Eat Bananas?

Yes, chickens can eat bananas.

Bananas are nutrient-rich and contain potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamin C, vitamin B6, etc.

They are as beneficial for chickens as they are for humans. Chickens are, in fact, very fond of bananas. So, you can feed them from time to time as tasty treats.

Chickens particularly like overripe bananas more. You will not have to invest a lot in getting these bananas.

Visit a supermarket and ask them if they have slightly rotten or overripe bananas. You can usually get them at a discounted price or sometimes even free. 

Chickens have a strong beak, so feeding them bananas is easy. All you need to do is remove the banana peel and throw the entire banana into the backyard chicken pen.

They will be too delighted to break soft fruits like bananas with their beak.

The good thing is chickens can also eat banana peels. It has essential nutrients, and it is rich in dietary fibers.

However, chickens may find the peel a bit tough. So, if you want to feed them the whole banana, the best way is to boil the peel and cut it into little pieces. They will eat the peel like a tasty treat.

Can Chickens Eat Tomatoes?

Chickens can eat tomatoes but should only do so in moderation.

Tomatoes are nutrient-dense fruits. They are particularly rich in antioxidants that protect chickens against certain diseases. It maintains eye health, nourishes a healthy heart, and performs several vital tasks within the body.

However, you should not give it regularly or make it the primary food as it has small amounts of solanine, a poisonous compound. Feeding tomatoes regularly can result in the buildup of solanine and cause inflammation in chickens.

Solanine is very rich in tomato leaves, stems, and unripe tomatoes or green tomatoes. Therefore, it is the chicken owner’s responsibility to keep their chickens away from them.

You can offer small quantities of this healthy treat once or twice a week.

Tomatoes are soft, which makes them easy to manage and eat for the chickens. They are a part of most of the homemade dishes.

So, if there are some leftover tomatoes in the kitchen, you do not have to throw them in the trash when you can make their better use by letting your chickens feed on them.

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Can Chickens Eat Bird Food?

Yes, chickens can eat bird food, but it should not be their primary food source. Bird feed is generally a mix of seeds, nuts, and grains.

In fact, they may prefer it to their regular feed. Bird food is usually higher in protein and lower in fiber than chicken feed, so it is not recommended to provide chickens bird food long term.

Can Chickens Eat Grapes?

Like most other fruits, grapes are also a good treat for chickens and can act as a healthy snack.

Grapes are a natural source of vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium.

These nutrients maintain overall health in chickens. In addition, they are soft and juicy, which makes their consumption easier for toothless chickens.

Even though there are several health benefits of grapes, feeding them to the chickens in large quantities can have detrimental effects on their health. It is mainly because grapes have high sugar content.

So, if you give them to your chickens regularly, their blood sugar levels can elevate and induce diseases.

If you are feeding them to your chickens for the first time, then make sure grapes are of small or moderate size that chickens can consume easily.

Chickens can engulf the whole grape. Therefore, if you plan to feed large-sized grapes, cut them into small pieces to avoid choking hazards.

As chickens eat everything, they will happily eat grape seed and skin. Wash grapes properly because their surface can have pesticides and other chemicals.

Can Chickens Eat Apples?

Apples make great treats for chickens. It is sweet and juicy that your chickens would love to have any time of the day.

It is suitable for baby chicks as well as adult chickens. The good thing is, they enjoy apple flesh and apple skin equally.

You may find throwing a whole apple in the chicken coop more tempting because it does not require much effort. However, it is not the best method of feeding apples to the chickens.

Apple is hard compared to the fruits mentioned above. In a chicken coop where there are several chickens, they can compete with each other to have a big bite of the apple.

As a result, it can get stuck in the throat and cause choking or, worse, death. Therefore, cut an apple into bite-sized pieces, then let your chickens feed comfortably.

Like other fruits, sugar content is high in the apple, so make it an occasional treat rather than a regular meal. Apples also do not provide all the essential ingredients required for a chicken’s diet, so be sure only to use apples as occasional treats.

Apple seeds contain a lethal chemical called cyanide. So, be sure to remove them before feeding an apple to chicks.

Apple core is also very hard, and even the strong beak may not help chickens break it to engulf. So, remove this part, too, or cut it into tiny pieces to reduce the choking hazard.

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Can Chickens Eat Pineapple?

Yes, chickens can eat pineapples. Pineapples have vitamin C, minerals, and antioxidants in abundance. These nutrients can help chickens improve their immune system and enjoy a healthier life.

In addition, pineapple is juicy and soft, so chickens love having it as an occasional treat.

Cut it into smaller chunks and remove its skin before offering it to chickens.

Pineapple skin has a hard texture, and most chickens do not get attracted to it. Therefore, it is good to remove it; otherwise, chickens may not even feed on pineapple flesh.

Like other fruits, pineapple has a lot of sugar. Therefore, you should only give it in moderation and avoid its daily consumption.

Can Chickens Eat Celery?

Yes, chickens can eat celery. It is rich in vitamins, water, and antioxidants. Water makes 95% of the celery, which means it can be good for hydration.

Celery also has decent calcium content, which is good for egg-laying hens. All in all, it can help improve the immune system, speed up growth and maintain health.

Chickens do like eating it, but some may find it to be bland food. You can add a delicious treat to it to make it more appealing and appetizing for your chickens.

It is also hard, which chickens do not appreciate much. A great way of feeding chickens celery is to cut it into smaller pieces that are easy to consume and digest.

We all know that excess of everything, even if it is good, is bad. The same applies to healthy celery too.

Feed celery in moderation; otherwise, it may cause health issues. It is rich in dietary fibers.

So, if a chicken eats too much celery, it can get stuck in the chicken’s crop, which is a storage area. This condition can lead to death if it is not treated on time.

Can Chickens Eat Carrots?

Yes, chickens can eat carrots. In fact, they absolutely should eat carrots!

Carrots are a good source of beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is important for chickens because it helps keep their feathers healthy and helps with their immune system.

Carrots are also a good source of dietary fiber, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and potassium.

Can Chickens Eat Bread?

Yes. As said earlier, chickens enjoy eating anything, even if it is fresh or stale bread. Bread may not have much nutritional value and health advantages, but it is still safe for chickens.

Most of us eat it for breakfast. So, if there is a loaf of bread left untouched on the kitchen table or if one-week-old bread has stalled, you can feed it to your chickens instead of dumping it in the garbage.

Here do not confuse stale bread with moldy bread. Stale bread is less palatable but lacks fungus growth. On the contrary, moldy bread has bread fungus growing on it, and it can make chickens ill.

The key ingredient in bread is carbohydrates. It can help provide energy.

Bread is dry food, so make sure you keep a bowl of water nearby.

Eating bread in large amounts can lead to the formation of balls in the chicken’s crop, which can further cause blockage in the digestive tract.

So, provide bread in moderation to prevent such incidents.

What Can Chickens Eat?

Can Chickens Eat Cucumbers?

Yes. Cucumber is a green vegetable that brings freshness to anyone who eats it. Its key constituents are water, calcium, and some antioxidants.

Due to its high water content, it is very helpful in keeping chickens hydrated in the summers.

Similar to other fruits and veggies we’ve discussed, chickens may find it to be hard. Therefore, you should chop it into smaller pieces to help the flock eat it easily.

Chickens can enjoy cucumber flesh as well as cucumber peel. So, there is no need to remove the skin.

However, there is a high chance that the skin has chemicals that farmers use to protect their crops. Therefore, wash cucumbers properly before giving them to chickens.

Cucumber or any other treat should not make more than 10% of the total daily feed. Feeding chickens cucumber in excess may cause future complications. So, like any other treat, give cucumber occasionally.  

Can Chickens Eat Oats?

Oat is a popular species of cereal grain, and it is as beneficial for chickens as it is for humans. It has a range of minerals, antioxidants, protein, and vitamins.

Chickens enjoy them like they enjoy any other treat.

Try feeding warm cooked oats in the winter months to your flock. You will love seeing them enjoy their meal like never before.

Raw oats and cooked oats both are safe and healthy for chickens. In addition, experts believe that baby chicks who feed on oats grow healthier and stronger than those not provided with oats.

Raw oat eases the symptoms of pasty butt in the baby chick. Unfortunately, it is a common health problem that occurs during chilling weather.

In addition to reducing the death rate in flocks, oats support egg-laying hens with their high calcium content. 

Adding 3% of the oat hull to the chicken’s diet every day can make them resistant to heat stress, and it can also reduce aggression.

You can sprinkle a little bit of cinnamon and cayenne pepper to make the treat healthier.

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Can Chickens Eat Raisins?

Yes, chickens can eat raisins. Many people believe that raisins and grapes are unhealthy for all animals because they cause kidney failure in dogs.

The toxic substance that causes kidney failure in dogs has not been found so far, but it does not cause the same effect in chickens. In fact, grapes and raisins are very healthy snacks if given in moderation.

Due to the presence of important nutrients in raisins, they help in weight gain, cancer prevention, and bone development. They are small in size, which makes them easy to engulf for flocks.

Some chickens may find them hard, so many chicken owners dip raisins in water at night and feed them to the chickens when they have softened in the morning.

You can also put raisins in your chicken’s water bowl. They will drink water and become active to take the sweet treat out of it.

Can Chickens Eat Rice?

Chickens can eat rice. Chickens love picking grains, including rice, from the floor. Their digestive system is developed to digest cooked rice as well as uncooked rice.

There is some concern that uncooked rice can expand in the chicken’s stomach after absorbing water from its surroundings and cause digestive issues. While there is no direct evidence to support this, you should be careful when feeding your chickens uncooked rice.

Rice has dietary fibers which can make chickens feel full for long periods. They are also cost-effective and readily available in any market.

Brown and wild rice have more nutrients compared to white rice. They undergo very less processing before they are made available in the market. So, naturally, they are more beneficial for your flocks. 

Can Chickens Eat Their Eggs?

Chickens should not eat their own eggs. Usually, chickens do not eat their eggs, but there is a probability they can do it under some circumstances.

If your chicken has a calcium deficiency, it will try to find food items that are high in calcium. As eggshells have calcium in abundance, so chickens will eat it to regain calcium levels in the body.

Another situation under which chickens can eat their eggs is when an eggshell has broken down accidentally. They will eat egg yolk as well as egg white.

You can prevent these situations by giving your flocks a balanced chicken feed.

Take the egg out of the coop as soon as the hen lays an egg. Do not give any chicken a chance to steal the egg.

Also, do not feed them raw eggs because once they have tasted them, they will try to taste them again and again, even if it means eating freshly laid eggs.

Can Chickens Eat Meat?

Yes – but make sure it is cooked! As chickens are omnivorous, eating meat scraps is completely safe for them.

Meat is a natural source of animal protein and fats. Both are essential nutrients that chickens need to grow and live a healthy life. They also improve the quality and maybe quantity of egg and chicken meat.

Never feed uncooked meat as it can cause infections. Cook meat properly and make its small chunks before feeding it to your chickens.

You can also fix more ingredients like healthy seeds to give chickens a more nutritious treat. However, remember that meat is good for chickens only if it is given in moderation.

Other than meat, chickens also eat fish, mice, insects, and worms as a protein source. You may find it strange, but chickens can even eat chicken.  

Can Chickens Eat Acorns?

It depends. In general, it is not recommended to feed your chickens acorns.

Acorns and acorn leaves contain tannic acid, which is toxic to chickens. It can cause diarrhea, upset stomach, vomiting, and even death.

Different types of oak trees have varying amounts of tannic acid in their acorns, so its best to stay away unless you know what you’re dealing with.

If you’re set on feeding acorns to your chickens, then you can do so by removing the tannic acid. You can remove the tannic acid by cracking the acorns then letting them soak in a bucket of water for a few hours. The water will get cloudy, you’ll drain the water, and repeat until the water is clear.

So, while it is possible to feed acorns to your chickens, it is only recommended if you know exactly what you’re doing.

Can Chickens Eat Cottage Cheese?

Yes, but be careful of feeding your chickens too much dairy. Like most animals, chickens can eat what their digestive system can process without resulting in serious health issues.

Cottage cheese, in very small amounts, is a safe food to feed a chicken as it does not contain any substances which may be harmful to the animal depending on what the intention for feeding the animal might be (e.g., having eggs that are safe for human consumption).

In fact, cottage cheese is one of the healthier snacks for your chickens, just make sure it’s not too high in sodium!

What Can Chickens Eat?

Can Chickens Eat Brussels Sprouts?

Yes, brussels sprouts are a leafy green vegetable and can be fed to chickens. Brussels sprouts provide a source of vitamin A, C, and K, as well as dietary fiber.

It’s best to cook them before feeding them to the chicken; raw sprouts will be too difficult for the bird to digest on their own.

Can Chickens Eat Dog Food?

You should not feed your chickens dog food constantly, but it is not harmful if they have a little bit from time to time.

Dogs and chickens are equipped with different nutritional needs, which make up a key part of their diet.

By feeding your dog food to your chickens, some parts of the bird’s body will not receive adequate nutrition. This includes slow growth that leads to deficiencies in weight gain or egg production.

Can Chickens Eat Dried Mealworms?

Yes. Chickens are omnivores, and they enjoy eating bugs when available, including dried bugs.

The high protein content of dried mealworms makes them a good food source for your chickens!

However, make sure not to overfeed your chickens with too much protein. An unbalanced diet can cause a range of health issues.

Can Chickens Eat Cat Food?

You should not feed your chickens cat food constantly, but it is not harmful if they have a little bit from time to time.

While chickens can technically eat cat food, it is not recommended as it does not provide them with the nutrients they need. Cat food is typically high in fat and protein, which can lead to weight gain and other health problems in chickens.

Can Chickens Eat Blueberries?

Yes, chickens can eat blueberries. Blueberries are a good source of antioxidants and vitamin C, which are beneficial for chickens. They are also a good source of fiber, which can help chickens maintain a healthy digestive system. Blueberries should be fed to chickens in moderation, as too many can cause diarrhea.

Can Chickens Eat Cheese?

Yes, chickens can eat cheese in moderation. Cheese is a good source of protein and calcium, which are essential nutrients for chickens. However, cheese is also high in fat, so it should not be fed to chickens too often. A small piece of cheese as a treat is fine, but too much cheese can lead to weight gain and obesity.

Can Chickens Eat Chocolate?

No, chickens should not eat chocolate. Chocolate contains theobromine, which is toxic to chickens. Theobromine can cause vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and even death in chickens. If you think your chicken has eaten chocolate, it is important to take them to the vet immediately.

Can Chickens Eat Avocado?

Yes, chickens can eat avocado in moderation. Avocado is a good source of healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. However, the skin and pit of an avocado are toxic to chickens, so it is important to remove them before feeding avocado to your chickens.

Can Chickens Eat Peaches?

Yes, chickens can eat peaches in moderation. Peaches are a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as fiber. They are also a good source of water, which can be helpful for chickens in hot weather. Peaches should be fed to chickens in moderation, as too many can cause diarrhea.

What Foods Are Poisonous to Chickens? (List)

Even more important than knowing what chickens can eat is knowing what they can’t eat. See below for a list of foods that are toxic for chickens.

  • Alcohol
  • Apple Seeds
  • Avocado
  • Butter
  • Chocolate
  • Citrus Fruit
  • Coffee Grounds
  • Dairy Products
  • Eggplant
  • Fried Food
  • Pepper Leaves
  • Raw Meats
  • Raw Potatoes, Green Potatoes, Potato Skins (Sweet Potatoes are ok)
  • Rhubarb Leaves (oxalic acid)
  • Tomato Leaves
  • Uncooked Beans
  • Various Poisonous Plants (foxglove, tulips, jimson weed, etc.)
  • Xylitol (baked goods, gum, candies, etc.)

There are many more foods that may be toxic to chickens, and you should check with your local expert to ensure you are not feeding any toxic foods to your flock.

How Much Should You Feed Your Chickens?

Actually, there is no rule of thumb for it. You should feed as much as your chicken needs to stay healthy.

The amount of food that a single chicken needs depend on several factors, such as age, breed, and season. Hens usually eat more in the winter months and less in summer.

Free-range chickens eat less than the confined chicken. Similarly, a laying hen has more nutrient requirements than a hen that does not lay.

You should focus on feeding a balanced and complete diet to your flocks, so they do not develop any deficiency.

Commercial chicken feeds have essential ingredients packed in them. They come in different forms. Chicken feeds for different breeds are also available.

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How Often Should You Feed Your Chickens?

It mainly depends on how often you can feed your chickens. Most chicken keepers feed their flocks two times a day, the first in the morning and the second in the evening.

You can also give your chickens a free choice to eat whenever they want. For that, you can keep the feeder hanging and full throughout the day.

Chickens will eat whenever they want to. Make sure they have access to fresh and clean water 24/7. Change the water from their water bowl every day.


Chickens are not picky eaters at all. So, you can feed chickens anything but make sure they have a balanced and complete diet.

Feed them the regular chicken feed and give healthy treats in moderation. A balanced diet will boost the quality of their meat and eggs.

Use our information as a general rule of thumb but be sure to talk to a professional expert before making any changes to your chicken’s diet. This way, you’ll know exactly what to buy from the feed store or grocery store and how it will affect your specific chickens.

Don’t forget to provide your chickens with a balanced diet, fresh water, and a few chicken treats every once in a while!

Check out our other backyard animal guides!