What Can Cats Eat? A Complete Guide!

Aug 13, 2023 | Animals & Insects

Cats have a curious nature and love trying different things, including various food items. So, what can cats eat? Its an important thing for pet parents as they care for their feline friend. They tend to eat various foods that offer all sorts of ingredients, including proteins, fats, and carbs.

However, a cat does not know what they should or should not eat. As a cat owner or soon-to-be cat owner, it is your responsibility to feed your feline friend the right food.

**Remember, you should always check with your veterinarian before adding to or changing your pet’s diet. Getting professional input is the most important component to giving animals a long, happy, and healthy life.**

What Can Cats Eat?

Knowing what your pet can eat is rule number 1 in providing pet care. If you’re asking yourself, “what can cats eat?” you have come to the right place.

In this article, we have provided an ultimate guide on what you can feed your cat for their well-being.

Are Cats Herbivores, Carnivores, Or Omnivores?

Cats are obligate carnivores. Obligate carnivores are animals that are true meat-eaters and need to consume other animals to meet their nutrition requirements. Their protein requirement is more than many mammals.

Cats get all of their necessary nutrients from animal products, and plant-based foods cannot fulfill these nutrient requirements.

What Are the Necessary Nutrients That Cats Need?

Cats are hunters that have evolved over time. They target the animals that have high proteins, moderate fats, and low carbohydrates in their meat.

Besides these basic nutrients, cats also need several vitamins, amino acids, and minerals to live a safe and healthy life.

Cats need a specific amount of all these nutrients daily and can get them through their regular balanced diet. Feeding any of the necessary nutrients, particularly minerals and vitamins, in abundance can harm them.

So, there is no need to give them supplements unless the vet says.

Make sure to give them access to fresh and clean water 24/7.

What Do Cats Like to Eat?

As mentioned earlier, the most important nutritional component for a cat’s healthy life is animal protein, so cats particularly like to eat foods that are rich in animal protein.

Common examples of meaty foods that cats eat include chicken, beef, turkey, tuna, trout, salmon, and whitefish. Cats do eat foods other than meat, but they are selective in this regard.

If you’re looking to give them a nice treat aside from their standard cat treats, then you can try some cooked fish, cooked turkey breast, or sliced deli meat. And while they may enjoy it, we don’t recommend giving your cat any raw meat.

Can Cats Eat Human Foods?

It depends. You may have a cat that has this habit of staring at you while you eat your meal. Well, it is most likely because they want you to share your food.

Many cats can eat some kinds of human food, and that is entirely safe for them.

They have a sharp sense of smell and get attracted to smelly foods, particularly foods with high protein and fat content. So, giving them a safe and healthy treat from your fridge once in a while is completely fine.

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Can Cats Eat Chocolate?

Cats should not eat chocolate. Chocolate is considered an unhealthy food for cats and can even lead to death if a cat consumes it in a large quantity. Cats metabolize some ingredients in chocolate differently than humans do. These harmful ingredients are theobromine and caffeine.

Theobromine is metabolized very slowly in cats, so it can be harmful even if there is a small amount of theobromine in your cat’s system.

Caffeine has chemical similarities with theobromine. Cats are very sensitive to it, so it can keep them energetic and stimulated for hours.

Usually, cats do not eat chocolates unless their owners persuade them to do so. There are different symptoms of chocolate toxicity in cats.

Common symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, hyper-activeness, and rapid breathing.

If your cat has consumed chocolate accidentally or even purposely, then take it to the vet immediately. Chocolate toxicity can cause death if it is not treated timely.

Can Cats Eat Eggs?

Cats can eat eggs, but only if cooked and in moderation. As described earlier, cats are carnivores and like eating foods rich in animal proteins.

Eggs are a healthy source of natural protein, and many cats do like eating them. However, you should not give eggs to your cat as the only source of protein.

It is because eggs are rich in fats, too. Feeding them every day can put your cat at risk of becoming obese. Egg white has less fat compared to egg yolk.

So, providing only the egg white is a safer and better choice.

Remember that eggs are only healthy for cats if they are fed in well-cooked form. Scrambled and boiled egg makes the protein more accessible and easier to digest.

On the contrary, providing raw eggs can put your cat at risk of developing a bacterial infection which can even infect cat parents. You should give your cat only 10% of its regular calories through eggs. Or you can feed as cat treats from time to time.

Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter?

Cats are usually not attracted to peanut butter, and it also doesn’t have much nutritional value. But still, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has not listed peanut butter as toxic food for pets.

It means, if your cat likes peanut butter, you can feed them small amounts as an occasional treat. This applies to only healthy cats.

Peanut butter is rich in fats and sodium. That is why feeding it is safe only if you give it in moderation. It also has a thick consistency which can become a choking hazard.

As human beings have peanut allergies, cats can also have the same allergy.

So, know your cat’s condition before feeding them peanut butter. Also, check the ingredient list of the peanut butter that you want to feed your cat.

Some have an ingredient called xylitol. It is very poisonous to animals. Make sure the peanut butter you feed your cat is xylitol-free.

Can Cats Eat Dog Food?

Cats can eat dog food but only for a short period of time, for instance, when you have run out of cat food. Frequently feeding your cat dog food (or other pet food) can harm their health in many ways.

It is because both belong to different parts of the animal kingdom. If cats are true carnivores, then dogs are omnivores.

Carnivores feed on animal protein and fats, while omnivores can eat various plant and animal-based foods. In short, their dietary needs differ from each other.

The dog food nutrients are suitable for dogs but not for cats. It cannot provide enough proteins cats need to live a healthy life.

So, you can only give it to your cat to have a taste for the time being. But try not to convert it into your cat’s habit. Keep both cat and dog food available at home if they are living together.

Can Cats Eat Bananas?

Cats can eat bananas on occasion. Although bananas are rich in nutrients and non-toxic to cats, it is still not recommended to feed your feline friend bananas every day.

Bananas are rich in sugar, and cats do not digest sugar as fast as humans do. Including bananas in your cat’s regular diet increases the risk of diabetes and weight gain.

Most of the cats are uninterested in fruits, including bananas. According to Scientific America, a cat’s tongue lacks taste buds for sweetness.

So, you will not have to put much effort into stopping your cat from having a banana.

If your cat takes a small bite of banana without your approval, then worry not; a small bite will not hurt them.

You can also let your healthy cat taste it if they persist. For that, cut the banana into small pieces and offer them to the cat.

Let your cat eat it in a moderate amount and look for any allergic reactions.

What Can Cats Eat - Bananas

Can Cats Eat Strawberries?

Strawberries are a healthy snack for humans, but a good snack for us does not necessarily mean it’s suitable for our pets.

Although strawberries are not included in the list of toxic foods for cats, you should still avoid feeding them to your feline friend.

Cats, being carnivores, are naturally designed to rely on animal products to meet their nutrient requirements.

Healthy cats can tolerate plant-based foods, too, if they are given in moderation. However, it is still better to avoid feeding them fruits and vegetables.

Like any other fruit, strawberries have high sugar content; therefore, giving your cat a strawberry every day can deteriorate your cat’s health by increasing its blood sugar levels.

Cats like trying new foods, so if your cat looks at you with pleading eyes while you are eating strawberries, give them a small bite.

Look for unusual reactions. If your cat does not react differently, then you can feed them small portions of strawberry occasionally.

Can Cats Eat Avocado?

Yes, cats can eat avocado in moderation. Avocado has numerous health benefits as it contains dietary fiber, fat, anti-oxidant, and other nutrients.

It is as beneficial for cats as it is for humans. But again, it is better to avoid sharing any human food, including avocado, in large amounts.

Avocado is toxic for some animal as well as bird species. That is why you should take extra caution while feeding it to your cat.

Avocado has persin, an oil-soluble compound, in small quantities in the main body while in large quantities in the skin. Consuming it in a large amount can induce diarrhea, vomiting, and constipation.

Take your cat to the emergency veterinarian if you notice these symptoms after they have eaten avocado.

To avoid these health issues, it is a good idea to take off the avocado skin before feeding them avocado to your cat in an adequate amount.

You should also remove its pit as engulfing it can cause choking.

Can Cats Eat Bread?

Surprisingly, many cats like eating bread. This human food is completely safe for your feline friend, but you should know that it holds no nutritional value.

The most important ingredient in bread is carbohydrates. But what cats need to generate energy and live healthily is animal protein and fats.

You can feed your cat a small piece of bread from time to time but never make it the primary source of nutrients for them.

Also, do not add toppings or flavor to the bread as there are flavored pieces of bread like banana bread and toppings like peanut butter. Ingredients of toppings and flavors can lead to different health problems.

Bread is high in calories, which means eating even a small portion will keep your cat full throughout the day, and they will not have any room left for healthy and complete cat food. So, give only a small portion, that too, occasionally.

You should also avoid feeding raw bread to your cart. A feline’s stomach provides perfect conditions for bread dough to swell and make the stomach upset.

Usually, it causes discomfort for the cats, but under certain circumstances, it can lead to death, too.

What Can Cats Eat

Can Cats Eat Tuna?

The short answer to this question is yes. Before manufacturers developed commercial cat food, people used to feed their cats canned tuna.

It has many beneficial ingredients that can help kittens, as well as adult cats, grow healthy. Protein is the key ingredient in tuna.

It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which can help your adult cat to fight off inflammatory conditions and live an improved life. 

Even though tuna has several health benefits, it is still not complete cat food. Due to this reason, you cannot make it the primary source of nutrients for your cat. You can give it as a treat or add it to the regular cat food as a supplement.

We know that cats have particular nutrient requirements. High-quality commercial cat foods labeled ‘complete and balanced’ are designed according to a cat’s nutrients needs.

So, make cat food the primary source of nutrients and add a small amount of tuna occasionally to make the food yummier for your furry friend.

Can Cats Eat Cheese?

Cheese is one of the favorite treats of cats. Experts believe that the reason behind a cat’s attraction towards cheese is its high protein and fat content.

Even though many cats like having cheese, it is still not good for cats because most are naturally lactose intolerant. It is a condition in which the body fails to digest lactose; thus, lactose starts to ferment in the intestine.

It can cause diarrhea, stomach bloating, and stomach pain.

Any dairy products or dairy foods, including cheese, can cause gastrointestinal issues in cats as their digestive system is designed to digest meat.

If your cat does not develop diarrhea or other symptoms related to lactose intolerance, then you can give cheese as a treat from time to time. But if you notice that your cat feels distressed after having cheese, then stop giving them cheese immediately.

Can Cats Eat Chicken?

Yes – cats can eat chicken! We all know cats are true meat-eaters. It means they can certainly eat chicken.

Chicken is a healthy food rich in lean protein, and it has low sodium content.

It is linked to building muscles, maintaining bone health, and even developing teeth in cats. But still, you should only give it in small amounts because it does not have all the nutrients required for healthy living.

Balanced and steady meals that have all essential nutrients should be preferred over chicken.

While preparing a chicken meal for your cat, make sure it is as naked as possible. Adding extra ingredients such as garlic, onions, and oils can be toxic for their health.

Experts believe the best form of chicken is boiled chicken.

Raw chicken is considered toxic by the ASPCA. It can have disease-causing bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella.

These germs are not only harmful to your cat, but they can cause infections in cat owners, too. Therefore, cook chicken thoroughly before feeding it to your feline friend.

Cat Laying Down

Can Cats Eat Rice?

Rice is a safe food for cats. You can provide a small side of rice alongside the primary source of nutrients.

White rice has no nutritional value for cats. They are rich in carbs, but as cats are carnivores, carbohydrates in a cat’s diet do not hold much value. In fact, they can make a cat obese that can further develop health conditions, like diabetes, over time.

Brown rice has more nutritional value compared to white rice. If you really want to feed rice to your cat, we recommend brown rice over white rice.

Vets also recommend rice to the pet owners who complain about their cat’s upset stomach (diarrhea and constipation).

Some cat foods also have a small amount of rice added as a filler component to the food. Therefore, as rice is non-toxic, you can feed your cat its small amount without turning it into their habit.

Overeating rice will keep your cat’s stomach full for longer, and they will not take as much of the balanced food.

Is Cat Food Good for My Cat?

Yes, cat food is good for your cat, but not all cat foods are equal. Commercial cat food comes in different forms and flavors. They have different ingredients and purposes.

If you have a healthy cat, then buy cat food that is labeled complete and balanced. They have all the ingredients that your cat requires to live a healthy life.

Dry cat food has low water content compared to wet cat food. Therefore, cats eating them regularly should have access to fresh water 24/7.

Reach out to your veterinarian for recommendations on the best cat food for your feline friend.

Cat Eating

How to Make Cats Less Picky Eaters?

Cats are known for being proud creatures. Each cat is unique, but they are notorious for being very selective about what they eat. 

Not all cats have the same preferences. Some prefer only one kind of meal while others like a change of taste from time to time.

If your cat is not eating meals properly and has become a picky eater, then there are ways that you can use to tackle this issue.

Experts believe you should provide picky eaters with a variety of foods. Cats often become bored with one kind of meal.

Commercial cat food is available in different flavors. You can get flavors that your cat likes. You can also have wet food and dry food, both ready for your cat to let them eat the one they want.

Another great way of making your cat a less picky eater is establishing a routine.

Avoid free-feeding your cat. Instead, set a time and make a plan. Follow it strictly.

It will establish a proper routine, and your cat will know they have to eat at a particular time. They will be naturally more attracted to food at that specific time.

How Often Should I Feed My Cat?

The number of times you should feed your cat depends on factors like your cat’s age and health condition. The growing body of a kitten demands more food compared to the grown-up body of an adult cat.

Therefore, you should feed at least three meals per day to kittens of age up to six months. If your cat has become an adult (particularly at one year), you can feed them two meals per day. Feeding more or less can lead to several health conditions.

You need to feed cats with special health conditions differently. For instance, you may need to feed a diabetic cat every time they get an insulin injection. Talk to a vet to find a better feeding routine for such cats.

Which Foods Are Dangerous for Cats? 

Most cats like trying different food items, especially the foods that are on their owner’s plate. While many human foods are safe for cats, some can be hazardous for your furry friend.

Onion and garlic are two basic ingredients of most human dishes. Feeding them to your cat every day can cause life-threatening conditions, as both have certain compounds that can damage your cat’s health.

Raw foods can be dangerous for your cats. Raw meats and raw fish can have bacteria that can make your cats ill. If you do decide to feed your cat some raw food, make sure it is human-grade quality and only given in small amounts.

Alcohol can damage a cat’s brain and liver, just like it can damage a human’s organs. The only difference is only a tiny amount of alcohol can harm a cat and even cause death.

Similarly, grapes and raisins are also dangerous for cats. For some unknown reason, they can cause kidney failure. So, they should not be given to your cat no matter what.

What Can Cats Eat - Grapes

Summing Up

So, what can cats eat? Cats can a few human foods, but they need more animal proteins and fats as they are true carnivores. Some plant-based foods won’t harm them if given in moderation.

Make balanced and complete cat food the primary source of nutrients for your feline’s diet. Giving foods like cheese, tuna, or bread once in a while won’t harm them either. Also, be sure to keep an eye on your cat’s daily calorie intake!

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