Why Dogs Eat Grass! Is It Harmful?

Jan 30, 2022 | Animals & Insects

Why is my dog eating grass? Your beloved furry friend is eating grass, and you might be worried about this strange behavior. Well, you are not the only dog owner to have this concern. You’re probably wondering why dogs eat grass and if it is harmful to them.

In a study of 49 dog owners, researchers found that 79% of the dogs who had access to plants or grass ate it at least once at some time. It indicates that this behavior may be strange, but it is not uncommon. Wild dogs also show this behavior.

Some people assume it is a kind of pica which is a disorder of eating non-food items (like young kids eating dirt, paper, etc.). However, your dog can show this behavior for various reasons like nutrient deficiency, boredom, etc.

Let’s understand different reasons dogs eat grass and what you should do about this behavior.

Common Reasons Why Your Dog Is Eating Grass

Why do dogs eat grass? According to the common theories given by experts, your dog may eat grass or plant material due to any of the following reasons.

To Increase the Intake of Dietary Fibers

Grass has high dietary fiber content. Your dog may eat grass when they do not get enough fiber through diet. So, they may try to get it on their own by eating grass.

Dietary fibers are an important part of the diet of dogs. It helps them with the digestion and movement of food in the intestinal tract.

During a research study, the behavior of a miniature poodle, who had been eating grass and vomiting afterward, was observed.

Researchers noticed that the poodle stopped eating grass when he was fed a high-fiber diet for only three days. It indicated that he might be eating it to fulfill their nutritional need.

So, be careful about what you feed your dog. The dog food you feed them should contain all the essential nutrients in the right proportion.

If your dog is eating grass regularly, then take them to your veterinarian to find the cause. The veterinarian may perform blood tests etc., to find the potential cause.

To Relieve Themselves of an Upset Stomach

Some dogs vomit after eating grass. It is assumed that they eat it in the first place to relieve themselves of a stomach issue like inflammatory bowel disease or to treat intestinal parasites.

Research shows that less than 25% of the total dogs who eat grass vomit after eating it. Furthermore, the majority of dogs who vomit do not show any signs of illness before eating grass.

If you notice your dog is eating this green stuff and vomiting afterward, then you should take them to the vet to find the underlying reason behind dog vomits.

To Get Attention or Kill Boredom

Sometimes when your dog is in the backyard and has nothing to do, they may eat grass which acts as a good distraction. It is a sign of boredom.

He may also eat it to get your attention. Therefore, if your dog is eating grass for this reason, then as a dog owner, it is your responsibility to entertain your dog by playing with them for at least 30 minutes a day.

Depending on the breed of your dog, they may have more energy than others and get bored more easily.

You can also buy them some toys like puzzle tops for mental stimulation.

Because They Enjoy the Texture of Grass

One of the potential reasons your dog is eating grass is that they like the texture or taste of grass. It is a common behavior that many pet owners observe.

Wild wolves are also known to exhibit this behavior. Therefore, some experts also believe that dogs got this habit from their canid ancestors.

Eating grass occasionally is safe for your pup. However, you should not let them eat grass that has recently been treated by toxic chemicals like fertilizers, pesticides, etc.

If you have your own lawn at home and your dog is constantly turning to it to eat grass, then it might be because of some nutritional deficiencies.

You should visit a vet if your dog eats grass on a regular basis.  

Why Dogs Eat Grass

Should You Let Your Dog Eat Grass?

As mentioned earlier, eating grass is not a harmful habit if your dog eats it only occasionally. However, you should be careful not to let them eat grass that has pesticides, fertilizers, and similar chemicals.

Eating grass from parks that other dogs also visit should not be allowed. It is because your dog may get parasites from animal stool and droppings.

If your dog likes eating grass, then you should try to keep your grass dog friendly. The following ways will guide you on how you can do that.

Create a Safe Dog Area in Your Yard

Do not use toxic chemicals in your yard. Your dog can engulf them while eating grass. In addition, if your dog is exposed to such chemicals for a long period, then it may develop a chronic or acute disease after months or years.

You can also create a separate dog safe space in your yard where you grow healthy plants and do not use any chemicals.

Remove Foxtails and Other Toxic Plants

Foxtail is a grassy weed that spreads its small seeds as a unit. It is common in lawns and can be very dangerous for your dog.

This weed commonly grows during the spring season. Then in summers, it dries and burrows itself into the lawn soil.

It can also burrow itself into your dog’s skin which can lead to pain and infections. Engulfing its seeds is very dangerous for your pet and can even cause death.

Therefore, keep an eye on this harmful weed. Remove it carefully to avoid accidents.

You should also be careful not to grow plants that are toxic to dogs. Your dog can accidentally eat such plants while eating grass.

Check this list of poisonous plants to see whether your lawn has any of them or not.

Be Careful of Long and Rigid Grass

Long grass that is thick and rigid can cause throat abrasion in dogs. Food pipe is a sensitive part of the digestive system.

Dogs that eat rigid, long grass may experience irritation of their food pipe. If you see your dog coughing after eating grass, then take them to the vet immediately to find its cause and  

Dispose of Poop

Eating grass from a lawn that has poop increases the risk of parasite transmission. Therefore, remove dog poop from your lawn every time your dog poops there. Also, make sure that they eat grass only from your own lawn.

When Should You Be Concerned About Your Dog Eating Grass?

Eating grass is a normal dog behavior only if your dog is not doing it excessively. You should take your pet to a vet for a checkup if you notice any of the following signs.

  • Your dog is not eating their regular food but still eats grass.
  • He eats grass every day or excessively.  
  • He is sick, which has also led to weight loss.
  • He stays lethargic and weary.
  • He always vomits after eating grass.

A veterinarian may perform x-ray and blood tests at first to rule out causes like liver and kidney issues. Then, the veterinarian will recommend a suitable treatment option after diagnosing the real issue.

Why Dogs Eat Grass

How Can You Stop Your Dog from Eating Grass?

Irrespective of the reason dogs eat grass, it does not fall on the list of healthy food items that dogs should eat regularly.

The grass itself is safe in most cases, but things like pesticides, fertilizers, animal poop, harmful weeds, etc., can be harmful to your pet.

So, if you want your furry friend to stop this habit, you need to be extra careful and train them the right way.

If your dog responds to healthy treats, their favorite treat may help you give them a better option in exchange for grass. So, if you are taking your dog to the lawn or a park for a walk, then try to take their treat with you.

Every time you see them leaning down to eat grass, direct them to walk in a different direction and then give them a treat.

If your dog is driven by praise and affection, then use the same method described above but replace the treat with petting and verbal reinforcement.

You can use a simple command like “heel” to distract them from eating grass and change their direction.

The Bottom Line: Why Dogs Eat Grass

We all want our dogs to live a happy and healthy life. Eating grass is a common dog habit among domestic as well as undomesticated dogs. Some dogs vomit after eating grass which is also normal unless it happens regularly. The common reasons why dogs eat grass include:

  • Relieving an upset stomach.
  • Getting the owner’s attention.
  • Finding ways to reduce boredom.
  • Increasing the dietary fiber intake.

If your dog eats grass on and off, then there may not be any problem with that.

However, if you notice that they are doing it daily and excessively, they may have a medical condition that induces this behavior. In that case, pet parents should visit their vet to find the underlying cause and remedy.