How Often To Water Sod? What You Should Know!

Jan 30, 2022 | Improvements, Lawn & Garden

When installing new sod, water is one of the most crucial elements that you should provide to the sod to help it develop a strong root system. If you are planning to install fresh sod for the first time, you may be wondering how often to water it.

If that is the case, this article will answer this frequently asked question and help you create a beautiful new lawn.

How Often Do You Water Sod?

It is important to make sure the new sod roots are getting sufficient water to grow a strong root system and develop new roots.

After sod installation, you should water sod two times every day, and the watering time should be 15 to 20 minutes long for each session to make sure the sod gets enough water.

If you have applied it in hot summers, then it is crucial to water it more often and prevent it from drying out.

You should set a watering schedule for at least the first two weeks or the first month. The first two weeks are the most crucial and will determine the future growth of sod.

Tip: It helps to install a good irrigation system to make sure you’re watering evenly and consistently.  

When Do You Water New Sod?

Start watering your new sod lawn within 30 minutes of its installation on the first day.

Deep watering is important for the healthy growth of newly installed sod, and it is required for saturating the soil.

If you are watering the new turf for the first time, then apply at least 1 to 2 inches of water so that sod, as well as the soil beneath it, gets wet.

Around 3 to 4 inches of soil below the turf should be wet after your watering. You’ll want the lawn moist and soil moist, but make sure not to overwater!

You can water one time in the morning and then in the afternoon.

Most gardeners prefer watering sod in the early morning and consider it the best time to water plants and sod. It is because, during that time, wind speed is low and less water gets evaporated.

Similarly, experts do not recommend watering the lawn in the late evening (late afternoon is generally ok). At that time, water remains on the grass, which can lead to the development of mold and plant diseases.

Tips for Installing and Maintaining Sod

Below are the expert tips that you can use for new sod care and maintenance.

How Often to Water Sod

Water Before Installing Sod

Do not wait for the sod to be installed to start taking care of it. Care starts even before installation. So, before laying sod, be sure to water the soil that you have prepared.

This initial watering is important to keep in mind because dry soil tends to absorb moisture from the sod, making it harder for the sod root to develop. You can also try adding fertilizers to the soil to create optimum growth conditions for the sod.

You’ll also need to be aware of the soil types in your yard. Some soil types may require different types of care. For example, sandy soil doesn’t do great a great job of moisture and nutrient retention, and may require additional watering and nutrients.

Water Immediately After Installation

New sod is sensitive and does not tolerate high heat very well, especially if it is currently hot weather in your area.

So, start watering it immediately to provide sod enough moisture that will soften its roots and help the new turf layer connect with the soil underneath.

Water two times a day, and the grass has at least 1 inch of water around it. Check the depth of moisture every few hours. If the ground is not soggy anymore, then it means it is time to water it again.

The First Two Weeks Are Critical

The first two weeks are critical for the new sod. Therefore, do not neglect it in any way.

New sod has small roots. Give them plenty of water so they can develop and dig in the soil underneath.

The amount of water you need to use depends on the time of year and weather conditions. If the weather is hot, water the lawn two or more times every day.

Try not to walk on the fresh sod for at least the first two weeks. Use sprinkler heads and create a sprinkler system of your own according to the size of your new beautiful lawn.

Also, do not start mowing during the first week or two. It is time for the roots to connect with the soil below the turf layer.

Decrease the Frequency of Watering After Two Weeks

After two weeks, a strong root system will be established. It means now they are not as prone to dehydration as they were before.

Therefore, you can start decreasing the number of times you water the established lawn gradually. However, if the weather is very hot, you may have to water the lawn as frequently as you were doing before.  

Make sure to let your lawn fully dry between watering sessions.

Additional Tips

  • Try installing sod in the cooler parts of the day. Cooler ground temperatures will help to prevent your sod roots from going into shock.
  • Keep your water moist, but don’t soak it. Overwatering can be deadly.
  • Be aware of your soil type and grass type. The soil type in your yard and the grass type of your sod will certainly dictate the specific requirements for installing sod successfully.
  • If you have leftover grass clippings from your lawn mower, you can use that as a natural fertilizer.
  • Sod root establishment will take approximately two weeks. It may take longer depending on your yard conditions. To see if your sod has taken root, you can find a corner of your sod, and gently try to lift it. If you feel resistance, it means the sod has taken root.
How Often to Water Sod

How Soon Do You Mow the New Sod?

You can mow the new sod when it looks like it needs mowing. However, we recommend you start mowing after two weeks of installation.

Using a walk-behind power mower for first mowing is good because it is not as heavy as a riding mower.

Initially, do not mow it regularly. But once it becomes one month old, it is all set to be mowed regularly. For maintaining a beautiful lawn, it is better to never cut more than 1/3 of grass blades.

How Often Should You Fertilize New Sod?

Organic fertilizers are important to ensure the growing turf gets all the nutrients it needs to grow and maintain its health.

Add fertilizers to the soil two to three times during the growing season to keep your soil healthy. Liquid fertilizers usually work best for brand new sod. Slow-release fertilizers are a great choice as they provide nutrients for longer periods.

For better results, you can fertilize the bare soil before sod gets installed on it. Then, use the best methods for weed control.


New sod maintenance can be tricky. But, when it comes to watering, try your best to keep it consistent.

You should water a newly established sod at least twice a day for the first two weeks. The ground should have 1-inch water every time you water the lawn. After two weeks, start reducing the watering frequency.

Keep your watering cycles consistent. If you see your sod isn’t performing well, then you should make adjustments, accordingly.

Remember – proper sod maintenance is the most important factor in keeping a healthy and happy lawn, so make sure you’re consistent and continue to monitor your newly laid sod!